1.The MAX2016 format model comes with Vray materials and a walking animation, using the Bip skeleton.2.The Maya2020 format model has Arnold materials, bindings and a walking animation. 3.The C4D format model has default materials, bindings and a walking animation. Please note :that this model is mainly sold as the MAX2016 format model, with the MAYA format included and using MAYA2020. The MAYA model has Arnold materials and no rendering parameters set, which the buyer should set up and handle themselves. Both the MAX and MAYA files have human skin binding skeletons but no control bindings.
The FBX file is included, mainly for format transition purposes and comes with weighting but no control bindings. The clothes are loosely bound to the skeleton and can be used to produce seamless animations.
The binding file is a gift, so it does not support customization modifications or the addition or subtraction of control bindings, facial expressions, etc.