A low poly model of a medieval inquisitor. The mode is game-ready and suitable for different genres. The archive contents fbx, obj, 3ds Max base meshes, and Uproject file with all materials adjusted and animations loaded. All textures are 4096 and 2048 resolution. The model also has 21 animations, which are: walking(x6), attack (x6), idle (x3), get hit (x2), death(x2), war cry, run. All parts of the character (armor, pants, gloves, boots, head, helmet, weapons) are separate, and have their own materials and textures.Character- faces: 18 932, verts: 30 936, tris: 36 144.Weapon: Hammer- faces: 2392, verts: 3543, tris: 4474.Pike- faces: 2256, verts: 4260, tris: 4320.