This is my version of the classical Jack O Lantern, for use in animations, renders, games, printing... etc.
The zip file contains various file formats: .blend, .obj, .fbx, .gltf, .stl, .ply, .abc, .dae, .usdc
This model is very low poly.
This model contain a skeleton armature compatible whit Mixamo website , so you can download new animations.
The cloak animation only can be see in the original .blend file included. The cloak uses the cloth simulation feature from Blender, if you need the movement in your game engine, you need configure and adapt for your physics engine. The FBX included only contain the walk without the cloak. The other file formats include the model in the T pose static.Feel free to contact me if you need help.
The .blend file is the original version prepared to render. Use Blender v2.93 to open this file.
The USDZ file uses the .usdc extension.
Feel free to ask any question or request modifications.
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