big update 01
_- Now available on the UE version of the engine 4.27 - 5.0-5.5;
Update 2.0
Improved the skinning of the rotation of the hand (forearm) - lowerarm_twist_01,lowerarm_twist_02. Now the rotation of the hand (forearm) has become much better! (Watch the video at the link )
Compatibility of the 3d hand model with the Cascadeur animation program (Watch the video at the link )
3d model of realistic hands for game engines or other animation projects. The topology was created for high-quality animation of the hands.
Textures with a resolution of 4k(4096x4096);
Triangulation model (divided into triangles) for correct export to game engines;
Textures include: Base_Color,Displacement,Ambient_occlusion,Emissive,Height,Normal_OpenGL,Roughness and others;
Blender file with two ready-made rigs and customized materials (watch the video);
Verts: 13,110; Tris: 25,963;
In the Blender file, the metric system is configured for export to Unreal Engine! If you need a standard export, correct the metric system in the project to the standard one.
Unreal Engine 5 Technical Details
Full compatibility with Epic Skeleton UE5 version.Full compatibility with Epic Skeleton UE4 version.
I recommend that you restart the animation using the Control Rig (see the video on the links) if you are not satisfied with the re-targeted animation and want to improve it and use additional bones.
Note! To use Control Rig, activate the Control Rig plugin!
Tutorial on how to fix the problem with turning the arm (wrist) using Control Rig
Technical Details
PBR Materials;
Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes) UE4 rig and UE5 rig
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)
Animated: (No) demo
Number of characters: 1
Vertex counts of characters: 13,110
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 3 and 17
Number of Textures: 29
Texture Resolutions: 4096x4096