Emotes are not included nor are animations & items. Meshes and textures are separated on 3.0 versions.Does not include include shaders.
Does however include normals, masks and maps all free for costomization to suit ur needs.
intended for personal use unless u buy my license to use for commercial purposes such as vtubing and more.
Warning: is a fresh out of blender when u buy this! included a .blend,.fbx
TOS as fallowed- No taking partsCredit me!!!Distributing not allowed.Edits are fine to do destributing though if its your own edit and made public.Public edits that are used commercially must be credited back to the original.
Parts used to make this?-Outfits by AcePandora-Hairs by rawsicle, CryptidQrow, OrangeVR -Base used by OrangeVR-Animal Parts by Kryptic-Collor by Emmykittyy-Glasses by hushpuppi
-nsfw options are avalable SEPERARATLY!, by Sotilam (will need dps to make it funtion)
Every other parts used was my own doing along with the texture work!
Poiyumi shader is required to look like the picture.
U WILL NEED VRC Latest sdk to upload to places like vrchat or chillout.
Buy & Use them as your own risk. i am not responsible for any mishaps that people may use them for i only make the avatars and the texture work.