Deputy Sheriff

Deputy Sheriff Low-poly 3D model

Verification details of the FBX file
Binary FBX
No unsupported objects
No N-gonsNo faceted geometryManifold geometry
Textures and Materials
PBR texturesNo embed texturesSquare texturesPower of 2 texture sizesAssigned materials
No UV overlapsUV unwrapped model
Allowed characters


14 materials. Separate for the: skin, clothes, eyes, eyelashes, sunglasses, hair, hat, plate carrier, boot, holster, revolver, patch, badge, gps(attached to the vest).


PBR metallic roughness textures in png format. 4k for the skin and clothes. 2k for the vest. 1k for the boots, hat, eyes, hair and revolver. 512px for the badge, patch, holster, eyelashes, sunglasses and gps.


54,708 tris.

28,190 verts.

Tris and quads mesh.

Simple rig for controlling the body (see the screenshots for bone naming and influence heatmap).

Parts like hat, vest, skin, clothing, patch, badge, holster and gun are separate objects. 16 objects in total.


Holster by EvTital CC-BY

Armor Vest by DanlyVostok CC-BY

Hat by Andrea Spognetta CC-BY

Ankle Boots by TunnelVisionStudio CC-BY


Sheriffs In the United States are the chief of law enforcement officers of a county. Sheriffs are usually either elected by the populace or appointed by an elected body.

Sheriff's offices are typically tasked with operating jails, security at courthouses and county buildings, protection of judges and juries, preventing breaches of the peace, and coordinating with city police departments. Sheriff's offices may also be responsible for security at public events and areas.

A sheriff's subordinate officers are referred to as deputies and they enforce the law in accordance with the sheriff's direction and orders.


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Deputy Sheriff
Royalty Free License 
Deputy Sheriff
Royalty Free License 
Response 82% in 6.9h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Blender 4.2 (.blend)8.41 MBVersion: 4.2Renderer: Eevee
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)2.75 MB
  • PNG (.png)137 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-12-27
  • Model ID#5739254
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR approved
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 54,708
  • Vertices 28,190
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Overlapping
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing