Davy Jones Character Skin Fortnite
All materials needed are pre-packed in the Blender (.blend) file.Images rendered with Eevee Engine with a resolution of 3440 x 2160and a Sample Rate of 500 Rendered Samples per image.
Character Skin is highly customizable and includes a lot of overlaidimages/models to get the required character skin. Main file will bethe Blender file as it is native and was made using Blender 4.1.1
Model is rigged with a professional bone structure design. which can be alternated between each bone (movements and rotations).
Programs Used In This Project:Blender 4.1.1Adobe Photoshop CC 2024Adobe After Effects CC 2024
Model Statistics:
File Formats Included:
In all file formats, the forward axis vector is set to -Xand the upward axis vector to +Z