Hi sure you can print it. In case you are missing some 3D models, you can check out our store here.. https://bit.ly/Army3DModels
Real Life Human Scans is a project by 3D.sk which focus on diversity of human bodies, faces and expressions.
Each pose is unique, beautiful and specific in its own way.
Ethnicity: white
Gender: male
Age: 26
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 74 kg
Technical Specifications:
OBJ file / 270 000 polys
ZTL file / 34 703 000 polys
8k / TGA diffuse texture
NOTE: This is a cleaned raw scan in Zbrush postproduction but no retopology.Zbrush file contains subdivision levels and OBJ file at lowest subdiv level.
3D.sk provides all you need from virtual casting studio. Model casting, neutral & morph expression scans, full body scans, accessories and cloth scans, 3D postproduction, photoshooting of full body, portrait, hair, eyes and skin & other on demand services.