File Format:
Blender 4.3 (Cycles and EEVEE) fully rigged inside Blender.
FBX with full rig including all animations & poses, perfect for Unity or other game engines.
GBL with full rig including all animations & poses, perfect for Three.js / Webgl or other web based engines
Clean topology.
Included 37+ premade poses
Gym assets included
All models is completely UVunwrapped.
Everything in the outliner and material have been clearly named
Advanced rigging for the face and body using auto rig proFBX Version is also rigged & includes all the posesGLB Version is also rigged & includes all the poses
Blender Cycles and EEVEEE 4.3
Lights and Render setting are included in the Blender, with 1 Custom light setups.
Just open and render.