Barry Allen - The Flash
Facial Rig Included
The Flash - Barry Allen as protrayed by Grant Gustin
Thomas Grant Gustin (born January 14, 1990), known professionally as Grant Gustin, is an American actor and singer. He portrays Barry Allen/The Flash in The Flash.Bartholomew Henry Barry Allen (born March 14, 1989) is a scientist in the Criminal and Forensic Science Division of the Central City Police Department. He is the son of the late Henry and Nora Allen, the foster son turned son-in-law of Joe West, the husband of Iris West-Allen and the brother-in-law of Wally West, the archenemy of Eobard Thawne (commonly known as the Reverse-Flash), as well as the father of his future children, Nora and Bart West-Allen.
Includes 10 Animations In FBX Format: Running, Diagonal Wall Run, Run To Flip, Run To Rolling, Running Jump, Running Left Turn, Running Right Turn, Running Slide, Running To Turn & Wall Run
All Diffuse, Normal Bump, Ambient Oclussion, Roughness & Height Maps Included