Alex is a Blender rig, ready to be animated.
He includes animation friendly controlers and pickers, FK/IK switch and snap, clothes and hair variations, easy color modification.The new version includes two controlers for smile. One is rig based, the other one is blendshape based.
Alex is available for Blender 2.8 and above, Blender 3.0 and Blender 4.1 in three separated zip files.
What's in the zip file:
You'll have 2 addons included, proxy_picker.py and rig_tools.zip.
One blend file with materials ready for eevee (and working for Cycle as well).
To enjoy all funcionalities, install the addons proxy_picker.py and rig_tools.zip, unless you already owned the autorig pro addon. Installing autorig pro and rig_tools.zip at the same time will cause problems.
Be sure you have check the Auto Run Python Scripts in User Preferences/Files.
You can now append Alex in your scene.
You can enable the mask for the body corresponding to the clothes. However, be aware that this will increase the ftp rate.