3D file formats: max, fbx, uasset.
Unreal Package - model without Epic Skeleton.
PBR textures.Textures Formats: png,tga.
Witch texture resolution: 4096x4096 px (eyes textures 2048x2048 px).
Stick texture resolution: 4096x4096 px.
Real world scale body - 176.24cm.
3ds max units: cm.
Witch: polys-15335; tris-30642; vertex-17795.
Stick: polys-1915; tris-3820; vertex-1966.
The model has 10 animations.
Idle, walk, run, look, attack(x2), block, damage, scream, dead.
Rgged with CAT (Character Animation Toolkit), rigged in 3Ds Max.
To activate/deactivate animations Cat Rig in (.max file):
Select a rig bone > Motion panel > Layer Manager rollout > Setup/Animation Mode Toggle button.
The scene (.max) has light sources, a camera and a floor surface, everything is hidden.