High definition Darth Vader helmet model. The asset is centered in 0,0,0 coordinates, non-overlapping uvs and in real size. Doesn't need any additional plugins only vray in vray 3dmax file. This pack contains: 1 3dmax model with vray material, 2 more 3dmax files in default skyline render engine with basic material, 1 fbx model, 1 fbx model and a .mat file with the vray materials used.The model have been created with quads with a total of 66794 polys. The main max file is created in 3d max 2018 and with vray 3.60. Besides it is included a rar archive with 4 PBR maps in order to create shaders in other render programs.The object is ready to use in broadcast, advertising, design visualization, real-time, video game, 3d printing etc…(HDRI not included). The intellectual property depicted in this model is not affiliated with or endorsed by the original rights holders. Editorial uses of this product are allowed, but other uses may require legal clearances from third party intellectual property owners.