unity package and unreal engine projectthis character come with 2 static meshes , axe and shield You can have all free animations from the website: Just upload this character to mixamo and choose any animation. After that, choose original pose before you start downloading.
Scaled to Epic skeleton: (Yes)Rigged: (Yes)Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)Animated: (Yes) (you can animate on mixamo or starter pack)Number of characters: 01 (and 02 static meshes )Number of LODs: 01
Vertex counts of characters: • LOD0 = 46,977
Number of static meshes: 02Number of LODs: 01
Vertex counts of static meshes: • LOD0 (mesh 01 ): 7,494• LOD0 (mesh 02): 31,510
Number of Textures: 40• Set of 4k• Set of 2kTexture Types:• Ambient Occlusion• Metallic• BaseColor• Normal• Roughness
Number of Animations: 62Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): In Place (62)Engine Compatibility: UNREAL ENGINE // 4.15 And Up , Unity 3d 1.1f1 2017 and up