Need some strong monster or boss? You should try this one! A distant cousin to the true dragons, Wyvern is a legendary winged creature with a dragon's head, which may be said to breathe fire or possess a venomous bite, a reptilian body, two legs, and a barbed tail.
Features:Fully rigged, textured and animated.5 color options.
Unity package.FBX format (exported and tested with Unity MAX format for customizingOther formats: b3d, dbo, ugh (fragMotion), ms3d, dae (OpenCollada), mdl (3DGameStudio), smd, x, mesh-skel-mtrl-gfx-anim (Esenthel), iAvatar-iMotion-iMtrl (iClone 5)
Polygon count: 10770 Triangles.Textures: 4096x4096x5 diffuse maps (32bit alpha opacity), normal map, specular map, specular color map
Animations: flyidlefly leftfly rightfly forwardglideclawbreath firewhip tailgorebitehit 1hit 2death