Luke has just sunk his ship further into the swamp instead of removing it with the power of force. Desperate he says: ` We will never get her out of here again. Yoda, disappointed by Luke's attitude, says: You are very sure, ... Everything is impossible for you .... Don't you hear what I say? Luke replies, Master, Levitating stones is one thing, this is totally different. Yoda Indignado says: NO, It is not different, just different in your mind, you unlearn what you learned needs. Luke without much believing in himself says, Okay, I'll try. No, Try Not, Do; or do not. There is no attempt _ says Yoda. Then Luke tries again to lift the ship from the swamp but sinks the ship further. Disappointed, he says he can't because it's too big a ship. So Yoda gives a moral lesson that Luke will never forget: Do you judge me by size? It's good to do that, not allied to me is strength and a good ally she is., Then explains what strength is and what it is. she can do. You want the impossible _ says Luke leaving. It is at this point that Yoda does the impossible by lifting the ship from the swamp with a little effort due to his age but doing what he should be doing. I don't believe it, says Luke. it is, and therefore it fails.
FORMAT: 1:11
Parts: 7 Files
DIMENSIONS WITHOUT THE BASE: 39.69mm (Width) x 63.31 (Height) x 44.05 (Length)