Treble, known as Gospel (ゴスペル Gosuperu) in Japan, is a wolf-like support robot created by Dr. Wily to work with Bass in a similar way to Rush with Mega Man. Unlike Rush, Treble possesses considerable offensive capabilities to support Bass in battle. Bass can also fuse with Treble to gain wings and fly, as well as to improve his offensive capabilities.
The Super Adapter allows Treble to merge with Bass, acting like an armor that increases his strength and gives him the ability to fly and perform a flying fist attack. Unlike Mega Man's Super Adapter, Bass has the ability to fire either a regular charged shot or a rocket punch, as opposed to just the rocket punch. It was created by Dr. Wily using the parts Bass had stolen in Dr. Light's lab in Mega Man 7, which were originally planned to enhance Rush's Super Adapter. Bass used this in the second battle against Mega Man in the Wily Castle.
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