M E S H T O T A L SSubdivision level: 19364 Faces , 39258 Verts (Displacement map is only for the belt) SPONGEBOB 3D MODEL ...High Quality Spongebob, ready for close up and HD renders. An example image is included ready for games animation presentations and much more !
T E X T U R E S A N D M A T E R I A L SPreview images rendered with Arnold, but the textures and materials are ready to be rendered with no additional plug-ins (Basic AiStandartSurface Material Used For Arnold).
TEXTURE FORMATS AVAILIBLEHigh Quality 6k & 8K - BMPMaps Generated: Diffuse & Displacement.
G E N E R A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N SCreated with Maya 2023 / Zbrush 2023.Clean mesh edge loops, only quad and minimum triangles.Objects, Materials and Textures use descriptive and unique names.