Shin Asakura (朝倉あさくらシン Asakura Shin?), also known as the Clairvoyant 千里眼の, is the deuteragonist in the series Sakamoto Days. Shin is an ex-hitman and an employee at the Sakamoto's Store that was once an old partner and former student of Taro Sakamoto. After failing to kill Sakamoto, Shin joins him and his family.
As of the JCC Infiltration Arc, Shin has become a first-year student at the JCC.
Shin is a slim, young man of medium height. He has blond, medium length hair and black eyes. His first appearance shows Shin in an open leather jacket along with a plain tee, baggy dark pants and bright tennis shoes. He later appears often in his work attire consisting of a collared dress shirt, a pair of slacks, and a green apron. His attire tends to vary as the chapters continue but keep the same basic green apron pattern.
Shin is an honest, straightforward, and collected young man. He typically remains calm and composed even in serious situations, though this occasionally can be broken by comical bouts of anger, irritation, or fear from mundane stimuli. Shin is confident but is not arrogant and remains analytical in fights. He takes pride in his clairvoyance, knowing its strengths, and limitations and how to apply them in battle.
Shin has immense determination and willpower. This, coupled with his loyalty, inherently caring nature, and value for life allows him to continue fighting against heavily stacked odds. Like many others, Shin respects and looks up to Sakamoto.
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