This is a mesh ready for either games or the precomputed engine of your choice. It was produced initially for a cinematic purpose but it can fit aswell on a game project.
It comes with a Unreal Engine 4 package, you just have to follow the instruction in the Read.tkt, and it should be just a drag and drop in the engine. It's also shipped with 14 Udims tiles of 1024*1024 textures. With this system, it should be just a couple of clicks to shade the entire model, in whatever engine you are rendering, as long as it supports udim.The ammount/ quality of the UDIMS will allow you to get really beautiful shots, while maintaining a very slow render time.
The fur is available on an Alembic file, so you can use it for Arnold, Vray, UE4 etc...
If you have any question realted to the product, feel free to share them with me so I can help you out!