Egor-K2020-09-23 02:30:09 UTCENG:
The model looks good, the textures are good, the author answers questions about the model, correcting any errors found. And now to the downsides: the red cloth does not fit this model at all, if it were black, for example, and have full-length on back, it would be 1000 times better, otherwise it is easier to simply remove it from the model and it will look better. The rigging of this model was also bad at first, the bones affected unnecessary polygons, and when moving it looked very bad, after reporting this, the author changed the rig and model became much better, I hope he will improve it even more. As a result, I highly recommend this model for your purchase (if you need it), the author helps the buyer and answers questions. With all my heart I'm waiting for other models in the Lord of the Rings universe.
Пиздатая модель, ахуенный автор.