The Mega Man X series, known as Rockman X (ロックマンX Rokkuman Ekkusu) in Japan, made its debut in December 1993 on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
The series is set in the 22nd century, almost one hundred years after the events of the first Mega Man series. The story revolves around X, the final and ultimate creation of Dr. Thomas Light, who is discovered by world-renowned archaeologist Dr. Cain and used to create an advanced race of robots known as Reploids (called so because they are literally replicas based on the design of X). However, not long after their creation, some of the Reploids begin to go Maverick and attack humans. Dr. Cain is asked by the council to put a stop to this, and, as such, forms a special unit to stop these Mavericks known as the Maverick Hunters. However, the leader of the Hunters and Dr. Cain's creation, Sigma, goes Maverick himself, taking many of the Hunters with him. Thus, the Maverick Wars begin to take shape...
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