Orc warrior

Orc warrior Low-poly 3D model

Verification details of the FBX file
Binary FBX
No unsupported objects
No N-gonsNo faceted geometryManifold geometry
Textures and Materials
PBR texturesNo embed texturesSquare texturesPower of 2 texture sizesAssigned materials
No UV overlapsUV unwrapped model
Allowed characters

Game-ready model for your games.
UNITY AND UNREAL projects.Include separater meshes.
Highres textures and ready to retarget animations.
8 my animations in Unreal project.

Ripped6662024-11-12 20:00:10 UTC
great model!
avijeet3882024-06-30 06:44:18 UTC
hania872024-06-15 06:21:29 UTC
so good
duands8882024-05-09 01:08:06 UTC
Amazing !
nanda-sumedang2023-02-17 18:40:43 UTC
Item rating
3 2
nitrocell332023-03-19 05:35:54 UTC
excellent asset
jerome7772021-12-23 13:25:30 UTC
namipong2021-03-16 07:30:49 UTC
deadpkerr2020-08-02 03:35:32 UTC
Not Recommended
Hello I am sorry but I have having to rate this negative due to it being broken in Unity. i love the model but it is currently broken.
esenthel2020-05-26 15:08:35 UTC
Not Recommended
Contacted developer in the past about a problem, got no reply, this time I won't bother. The model from closeup is so so, not good like on pictures. There are missing textures, metalness for nose ring, ear ring, opacity for cloth, smoothness/roughness for body, head. There are no AO maps included :( Character has so many detail/wrinkles at the head, move a little lower to the neck and body and it's smooth like a baby, very unrealistic. The textures are super messy, fur around armor has inconsistent alpha channel with color channel (there is opacity where color is completely black and vice versa, colors where opacity is zero), there are 2 files for hairs, both look the same only slightly different alpha channel. There are texture seams between neck and body. Animations from videos are nowhere to be found. The rig is broken, try to move toes, the toenails will move and the toes will get left behind. The head bone is located not at the head start (bottom), but in the center (middle of the head), try to rotate head bone, and it will look just so bad. The fur under the shoulder is not properly connected to the arm bone (only shoulder bone), but part of the shoulder armor is instead connected to the arm bone, so when rotating arms, the armor rotates, but fur stays behind. Boy oh boy it has so much problems everywhere. And since developer is unresponsive, you will be stuck with them. So I cannot recommend this at all. Better support other devs who respond to support and fix problems.
Orc warrior
Royalty Free License 
Orc warrior
Royalty Free License 
Available in these collections
Response 22% in 48.0h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • UnrealEngine (.uasset)1 GB
  • Unity 3D (.unitypackage, .prefab)624 MB
  • mat (.mat)624 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (2 files)652 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-05-08
  • Model ID#2411049
  • Animated approved
  • Rigged approved
  • VR / AR / Low-poly approved
  • PBR approved
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 38,000
  • Vertices 38,000
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing