2019-06-16 05:39:54 UTCpukamakara
Formats included: .blend (Blender3D) .dts (Torque engine) .fbx .ma (Maya) .max (3dsmax 7.0) .mb (Maya) .ms3d (Milkshape3D) .w3d (Adobe Director) .x (DirectX) .x (XNA)
Fully rigged and animated Troll monster 3D model. Optimized for real-time engines and suitable for high-quality renders. 20 texture variations! Giving you a huge variety and style variations. 1024x1024 .jpg format
Triangles count: Med LOD 2466 High LOD 6384 Low LOD 422 3D model demo 810K Animations list:
000 - 150 Idle 210 - 270 walk 300 - 340 run 350 - 450 attack-01 450 - 525 attack-02 520 - 560 death-01 575 - 700 death-02