Low-poly model of the character Demon Skeleton Suitable for games of different genre: RPG, strategy, first-person shooter, horror, etc. In the archive, the basic mesh (fbx and maya)
two uv set 4096x4096three skins
40 textures 4096x4096 format TGA (3 skin)
Faces 5831Verts:5713 Tris: 11386
The model contails 13 animation - format maya and FBX (Rigged and animation maya 2018) : Atack(x2), Death, Gethit(2), Idle(x2), Run, walk Straif L, walk Straif R, Walk, Back Walk, Jump
Dear, If you like my models, please come back to me again. The store will be gradually replenished!
The model is loaded into game engines - Unreal(4.19) and Unity(2019.4.17) (archives attached)