shadowthelight2022-11-25 07:09:52 UTCReally high quality and rigged. The model is really accurate and I appreciate the alternate versions. My one very minor grievance is that it's on SDK2 and not SDK3 but I understand that probably takes too much time to update.
narutofan43812022-02-27 00:57:21 UTCdoesn't work, put it into vrchat, full body tracking is broken. when I try to fix it in blender, I get all sorts of weird issues. I cannot use the model for anything
nadjr2021-08-16 22:03:18 UTClovr the model it works very well
pacificproductions2021-07-29 15:13:12 UTCafter using this model in an animation, I can defiantly say that this was worth the purchase there are a couple cons like how some blend shapes for lip syncing do the exact same thing like v_rr and v_e, and also maybe a frown slider for just the mouth so I don't have to rely on the emotion sliders for some expressions, but i was able to work around these and make it work, so its fine, this is one of if not the most accurate models of Michiru from BNA and one of the best ones too, unlike other models this one is good to use with Source Filmmaker's IK Rig system because it has only 3 bones on both arms and legs, the texturing is very nice, and i also like how the ears and hair are posable, keep up the good work, 4/5