Интересная работа!
Toy Mayor cartoon The Nightmare Before Christmas
Nice toy for HalloweenA toy from the NECA Mayor can be ordered here:https://goo.gl/GXd7PySize: 28.6 x 20.8 x 10 cm
or Jun Planning can be ordered here:https://goo.gl/ALKWbbSize: 30cm
Figurine NBX Doll Mayor Special
Vendor code: 4935537143714
Toy review and comparison:http://toyster.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=1738
Bike can be ordered here:https://goo.gl/i39yAJSize: 18 x 6 x 12 cmhttps://goo.gl/7UCnzrSize: 17 x 11 x 7 cmNeed modernization under 3 wheel.
Or you can order a 3-wheeled motorcyclehttps://goo.gl/Kuhxb7Size: 16 x 10 x 11 cm