Luke Skywalker's Jedi journey began with Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope, but it was his time with Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back that led Tatooine's farm boy to get significantly closer to becoming a Jedi Knight. But, as Star Wars fans know, Yoda initially believed that Luke was not ready to become a Jedi for several reasons. Yoda may have agreed to train Luke Skywalker for Obi-Wan Kenobi, but as seen in The Empire Strikes Back, he made no effort to hide his dissatisfaction with Luke. Initially pretending to be maddened to test Luke's patience, Yoda finally revealed his true identity and began to list Luke's shortcomings, from his recklessness to the anger that formed within him. This model brings beautiful memories to StarWars lovers in The Empire Strikes Back, with Luke and Yoda in Dagobah in another day of training.
1:11 scale
Parts: 9 Pinned Parts.
Dimension: 169.58mm (Height) X 83.87 (Width) X 92.9 (Length)