Low poly animated Dark Knight with 126 animations edited in blender from mixamo.
=> Tris: 10900=> Verts: 5582
=> For body:
3 albedos for the eyealbedo for the body normal mapsspecularAmbient Oclusion
=> For armor:
14 substance textures (Albedo + Metallic + Normal Maps)
=> For sword:
3 albedos Ambient Oclusion Normal Maps Emission Metallic
=> For shield:
2 albedosmetallicroughness2 normal maps
Any doubts / contact =>
Discord: Dr.Carvalho#2557
gmail: stonelion777@gmail.com
My first game => https://store.steampowered.com/app/2111770/Star_Trust__3D_Shooter_Game/?beta=0