let us all agree that the worst thing about the rigging is the enevelopment control , I think that some time the software just want it this way and make it this way so you can not fully control it , but I managed some hoe\w to create a new rigged character and it is as you see a fantasy monster or creature so it will not be so big trouble of you find the parts of it went in wrong pose by animation , this is because the full character is already weired .
Until this moment I do not know what to call it , first I called it Fun & Learn that because I was training on the enevelopment control by creating it and that was late at night it was more than 04:00 Am , When I created the body with the circle holes on it's back I wanted to make it spray smoke from it , also it looks like a fish with legs , so I called it then Smoke legs fish , but at last I decided to call it Lizard fish because it is like a mix between Reptiles and fishes .