Lizard Demon
|Model|Character created in 3ds Max 2020. Single mesh sculpted and retopologized into Editable Poly Object with TurboSmooth Modifier. High frecuency details applyed with the appropiate render engine modifiers. Mostly done with Quad Polygons.
|Texture|Textures are 7k and 4k JPGs. Includes: Diffuse Map, Roughness Map, Glossiness Map, Normal Map and Displacement Maps.
|Render|2 Render Engines. Redshift Render 2.6.41 and V-Ray 5 Update 2 All 3ds Max files have lights and render setup settings.
|Rig|Rigged with 3ds Max C.A.T. Rig, binded with Skin Modifier. Simple blink and breath morpher modifier.
|Formats|Two 3ds Max 2020 files for Redshift 3d 2.6.41 and V-Ray 5 Update 2. FBX file with skinned mesh. OBJ, 3DS and Alembic files of static model.
*All Studio images created with Redshift.