Folder Heroic Knight Iwo has 3 files(3 different files Iwo and LWS)
1.)Heroic Knight (With Morph Mixer ready for static change poses or animation)You can see an example in pictures.
Model Have got Parts Name:
-Heronic Knight-Armor-Heronic Knight-Body-Heronic Knight-Body Rotate-Heronic Knight-Head-Heronic Knight-Helmet-Heronic Knight-Helmet Cover-Heronic Knight-Helmet Detail-Heronic Knight-Left Arm-Heronic Knight-Left Hand-Heronic Knight-Left Leg-Heronic Knight-Sword-Heronic Knight-Shield
Model Have Got Morph Mixer Names:
-Body Bottom Rotate-Detail Parts (Animation)-Details Parts Ground (Animation)-Head Rotate Left-Head Rotate Right-Helmet Cover Open-Close-Left Arm Rotate Down-Left Arm Rotate Up-Left Leg Rotate Down-Left Leg Rotate Up-Right Arm Rotate Down-Right Arm Rotate Up-Right Leg Rotate Down-Right Leg Rotate Up
2.)Heroic Knight with Controllers(Ready For Animation)
-All Pivot Point set in a good position.-All Controllers have limitations *Position *Scale *Rotation(like a real model are set limits) example:Leg does not rotates 360 degrees. *All Layers have the correct name. *All Controllers Have Destination to Part. *All Controllers Have Name. *Color Will Change When You select Controller *Layers-Parts-Controllers Have Expression and Relativity.
Model Have got Parts Name:
-Heronic Knight-Armor-Heronic Knight-Body-Heronic Knight-Body Rotate-Heronic Knight-Head-Heronic Knight-Helmet-Heronic Knight-Helmet Cover-Heronic Knight-Helmet Detail-Heronic Knight-Left Arm-Heronic Knight-Left Hand-Heronic Knight-Left Leg-Heronic Knight-Sword-Heronic Knight-Shield
3.)Heroic Knight Rig
-All Bones properly named.-All Bones Have Expression and Relativity with Model.
Model Have got Parts Name:
-Heronic Knight-Armor-Heronic Knight-Body-Heronic Knight-Body Rotate-Heronic Knight-Head-Heronic Knight-Helmet-Heronic Knight-Helmet Cover-Heronic Knight-Helmet Detail-Heronic Knight-Left Arm-Heronic Knight-Left Hand-Heronic Knight-Left Leg-Heronic Knight-Sword-Heronic Knight-Shield
4.)+Animation Scene(Heroic Knight Running)
-All Tested and works fine.
-Modelled only on Quads without six or more poles.
-Model technically made of very high accuracy of the details and geometry.-The model has the same scale as in reality.-Properly connected all points.
-Model tested on: FPrime,VPR,Default Render,Kray
-Units used: Centimeters.
-Everything is checked for efficiency and quality.
-High Resolution Textures:5000x5000 pix
-LWO+LWS (3 different Scene :Morph,Rig,Controllers)-OBJ+MTL-DXF-FBX + (Have Bones) Ready For Animation-DAE
Best RegardsAdrian