Power Rangers Samurai is the eighteenth season of Power Rangers, serving as an adaptation of the 33rd Super Sentai season, Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. The series follows a group of Samurai Rangers who assemble following the awakening of their centuries-old mortal enemy Master Xandred. To protect their world from being flooded by the poisonous waters of the Sanzu River, the Rangers utilize the Symbol Power that has been passed down from their ancestors to them. A second season, titled Power Rangers Super Samurai premiered the following year.
Samurai is the first series to be produced by a revived Saban Brands, following their re-acquisition of the franchise from Disney, who intended to cancel the series after the finale of RPM. The show was filmed in an HD-format and premiered on both Nickelodeon and Nick Toons in 2011.
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