The delicate build, reaching pose, long spread out hair, frayed old world dress, and serious white eyed expression all combine to give this unique model a haunting feel floating through an an ancient forest or crumbling castle. One wonders what the story is preventing her rest. Rendering this figure white or black would add to the atmosphere of any scene. It has a grainy texture from stark alpha holes, which the modeler tells me was his intent along with a shimmering effect. The 45528 vertex count is about average for a Low-poly model. There are significant transparent areas at the end of hair and dress segments which can cause plane artifacts, you want to be sure to draw this object late in the render order. It would nice to have the vertices in these areas cut closer, although modelling hair in particular without using transparency to cheat a bit isn't always practical. I'm implementing models for an OpenGl game, so I just need the .obj file and any supporting color files. This model did not offer an 'OBJ (.obj, .mtl)' format off the site. It did, however, provide a native .blend file which ultimately I used to create the object 'v,vt,vn,f' vertice and color graphic png files myself from Blender, which is a free download. The modeler was also responsive in sending me these files early on before I figured out how to do it myself. Open the .blend file and export to 'Wavefront (.obj)' format, with 'UV Coordinates', 'Normals' , and 'Triangulated Mesh' checked, although in this case the vertices are already triangulated. Click the "Texture Paint' tab to save the color1c and alphamaskDef1 png files through the 'Image' tab. The alphamask png is strait white and black pixels, which makes it easily converted to a greenscreen to layer over the color png, flatten, then delete the 0 alpha pixels. Reducing the generous 4096x4096 color png to a more mobile device memory frendly 2048 or 1024 will smooth the on/off alpha values a bit, although this could also be done through graphics software or programmatically if desired. The object file export yields one v, vn, vt, f group. For my purposes I manipulate models through matrix transformations on position vertex data, so it would be handier to have the object file grouped by body segments. The modeler sent me a .glb file which he suggested instead of .obj for OpenGL as it supports skeletal animations which I'll have to look into, although realistically I'll likely never have time to master a new format.