Verification details of the FBX file
No N-gonsNo faceted geometryManifold geometry
PBR texturesNo embed texturesSquare texturesPower of 2 texture sizesAssigned materials
No UV overlapsUV unwrapped model
Low polygonal game ready animated model of Goblin Bandit in 3D Max file version 2009.
This character is combination of ranged and melee unit.
Unreal Asset included.
Unity Asset included.
.FBX and OBJ are included.
BIP (Character Studio) files are included.
Character has 75 animations.
I used Character Studio 3D MAX to make animations.
Model with weapons and armor has 12,006 polygons, 23,200 triangles and 12,480 vertexes.
Armor combined from from 7 parts: cap, shoulder armor, leg armor, gloves, chest armor, belt and backpack. Model has 2 knives and 2 pistols, hair, beard and mustache. Each part can be removed/hided.
Rig has 61 bones.
Unreal Technical Details:
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Lods: No
Number of characters: 2 basic character blueprints, 11 "skeletal meshes" including body, hair, beard, cap, mustache, belt, chest armor, shoulders armor, legs armor, gloves, full goblin bandit
Vertex counts of characters: 12,480 including weapons and armor.
Number of Textures: 31 diffuse, specular, opacity (in color alpha) and normals.
Texture Resolutions: 2048X2048, 1024x1024 and 512x512
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 7 Materials 11 instances.
Number of Animations: 75 animations for combat and general moves.
Animation types: "on place" animations.
Supported Development Platforms: PC / MAC / XBox1 / PS4
Platforms Tested: PC
Documentation Included: Yes
Important: Additional Notes: PBR materials setup, Physics Asset setup included (not automatic "made by hand").
7 different color textures for body skin.
3 different color textures for hair parts.
3 different color textures for armor parts.
Original 3D MAX files with rigged character in T-pose included.
There is no animations blueprint included, sorry.
Animation list:
- IDLE: 0 - 100 fr.,
- boring: 101 - 226 fr.,
- Disappoined: 227 - 332 fr.,
- Drinking: 333 - 433 fr.,
- Eating: 434 - 554 fr.,
- Explanation: 555 - 600 fr.,
- Jump_standing: 601 - 676 fr.,
- Looking_around: 677 - 853 fr.,
- Pick_object: 854 - 894 fr.,
- pointing_A: 895 - 955 fr.,
- Say_No: 956 - 1006 fr.,
- Shrugs: 1007 - 1052 fr.,
- Talking_A: 1053 - 1098 fr.,
- Talking_B: 1099 - 1249 fr.,
- warning: 1250 - 1310 fr.,
- waving: 1311 - 1356 fr.,
- yawn: 1357 - 1442 fr.,
- Climbing_ladder: 1447 - 1487 fr.,
- falling_down: 1492 - 1532 fr.,
- Swimming: 1537 - 1567 fr.,
- GBPutingWeapons_back: 1572 - 1622 fr.,
- GBTakingweapons_out: 1623 - 1668 fr.,
- GBCOMBATmode_staynig: 1669 - 1719 fr.,
- GBDodgeJump_Backward: 1720 - 1745 fr.,
- GBDodgeJump_Left: 1746 - 1771 fr.,
- GBDodgeJump_Right: 1772 - 1797 fr.,
- GBduckbelowhighswing: 1798 - 1833 fr.,
- GBHitfrom_back: 1834 - 1869 fr.,
- GBHitfrom_front: 1870 - 1905 fr.,
- GBHitfrom_left: 1906 - 1941 fr.,
- GBHitfrom_righ: 1942 - 1977 fr.,
- GBLookingaround_staying: 1978 - 2063 fr.,
- GBparryfromstrightdown: 2064 - 2099 fr.,
- GBparryhigh_left: 2100 - 2135 fr.,
- GBparrymid_front: 2136 - 2171 fr.,
- GBswinghigh_left: 2172 - 2207 fr.,
- GBswinghigh_right: 2208 - 2243 fr.,
- GBswinghighstraightdown: 2244 - 2279 fr.,
- GBswinglow_left: 2280 - 2315 fr.,
- GBswinglow_right: 2316 - 2351 fr.,
- GBthrusthigh: 2352 - 2387 fr.,
- GBthrustmid: 2388 - 2423 fr.,
- GB_Tracking: 2424 - 2599 fr.,
- GBKnockedbackward: 2600 - 2641 fr.,
- GBDownback: 2642 - 2682 fr.,
- GBRecoverfromknockedbackward: 2683 - 2723 fr.,
- GBKnockedforward: 2724 - 2752 fr.,
- GBDownforward: 2753 - 2793 fr.,
- GBRecoverfromknockedforward: 2794 - 2826 fr.,
- GBfirestaying: 2831 - 2868 fr.,
- GBAimgun_down: 2873 - 2898 fr.,
- GBAimgun_left: 2903 - 2928 fr.,
- GBAimgun_right: 2933 - 2958 fr.,
- GBAimgun_up: 2963 - 2988 fr.,
- GBCOMBATmode_squat: 2993 - 3043 fr.,
- GBFromSquatAtoStaing: 3044 - 3081 fr.,
- GBFromStandtoSquat_A: 3082 - 3122 fr.,
- GBlookingAroundSquat: 3127 - 3212 fr.,
- GBfireSquat: 3213 - 3250 fr.,
- GBDiesquat: 3255 - 3288 fr.,
- GBDieknocked_backward: 3293 - 3310 fr.,
- GBDieknocked_forward: 3315 - 3332 fr.,
- GBDieon_back: 3337 - 3375 fr.,
- GBDieon_belt: 3380 - 3460 fr.,
- GBCasualwalk: 3465 - 3501 fr.,
- GBCautiouswalk: 3506 - 3546 fr.,
- GBfirewalking: 3551 - 3591 fr.,
- GBcombatrun: 3596 - 3618 fr.,
- GBFireruning: 3623 - 3645 fr.,
- GBJumpruning: 3650 - 3690 fr.,
- GBfireWalking_back: 3695 - 3730 fr.,
- GBWalkingback: 3735 - 3770 fr.,
- GB_run: 3775 - 3801 fr.,
- GBStrifeleftt: 3805 - 3840 fr.,
- GBStriferight: 3845 - 3880 fr.,