2018-09-07 11:30:10 UTCwilldam20
super cool
This model group is a gargoyle's low poly model.Since we carefully set up the bump map, it is suitable for use in games etc. with few vertices.Why do not you try using this model for PV movies and games' mobs and bosses?By the way, I think the animation type to be available in avator of VR contents because I apply Humanoid.
■Youtube Demohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ikMpkJqbuc
■Animation List0,Idle1,Block_Idle2,Stunned_Idle3,Walk4,Get_Damage_15,Get_Damage_26,Attack_17,Attack_28,Attack_39,Jump10,Fly_Idle11,Fall12,Death_Flying13,Death14,Run
■Gargoyle Type CColor SilverFace 6808 Vertex 6846TextureSize 2048x2048(png)BumpMap TextureSize 2048x2048(png)