The model has real world scale. The mesh can be further subdivided without problems.
All used textures and maps are included. One texture/diffuse map, one subsurface map, one subsurface colour map, one glossy map (invert for roughness), one translucency map and one normal map. Each map meassures 4096 x 4096 px. UVs are unwrapped. Everything is named properly.
Eyelids are controlled via shape keys and the skirt's movement is controlled via a Hook modifier.
Note that the armature is only included in following file formats:
.dae (bone constraints are not exported).blend (shape keys for eyelids + Hook vertex group and Hook object for the skirt are included as well).fbx (bone constraints are not exported; this file format adds a few additional bones, that can either be ignored or used for minor changes)
Do not hesitate to ask any questions.