2021-07-30 09:37:13 UTC49industries
very talented artist, proportions of model are top-notch...
Woman Fawn lowpoly character
Fawn.fbx Epic skeleton сompatible
Fawn.zip** Unreal Packed Asset** - just unzip and drag the folder to your Unreal project(asset was created in UE 4.26)
Fawn.unitypackage( created in Unity 2019.4.13) just drag the file in Unity project. Rig сompatible with Unity Humanoid
Unreal_Textures.zip - unreal packed textures 4096 for Spawn and 2048 for Spear
Presentation.blend Blender 2.92 packed file with custom rig(Can be exported to game engines - in fbx export settings check only deform bones)to create your own renders
objects: 2
vertices: 8.640
edges: 17.312
faces: 8.685
tris: 16.480
real world scale 185 cm