A fairy model was first created in Blender and 3Ds Max, then textured in Substance Painter and animated using Biped. The concept belongs to me because it was inspired by my conception of what a fairy should look like. Since I primarily want to make the models useful for both game development and video creation, all of them are rigged and animated using 3D Max's biped system because that is a method I am familiar with. However, the final rig is a little more sophisticated because it has some twist bones, which greatly aid in skin deformation. Naturally, there are some shape keys or morph targets for facial animation. Reimporting her clothes is easy as they are all animated by bones instead of cloth simulation. The fairy is life-size; when wearing high heels, her height is 168 cm. Due to PBR requirements, there are some metallic and rough textures that are not baked; they only contain color information in grayscale. The files include both static and animated FBX. For the background of the video, I used the animated FBX file of the fairy forest. Additionally, there are archived files of 3Ds Max and Blender that are ready to go. I hope you'll make good use of her! Enjoy! Feel free to ask me anything else!