Denji is the main protagonist of the Chainsaw Man manga series. As a young boy, he inherits his father's debts from the Yakuza. After meeting Pochita, he becomes a Devil Hunter for the Yakuza in an attempt to clear his debt. Once the Yakuza, under the control of a Devil, betrays him, he dies and Pochita becomes his heart. He now becomes the Chainsaw Man by pulling a cord on his chest. After meeting Makima, he became a Public Safety Devil Hunter. Following Makima's death by his own hands, he resigned from his position as a Devil Hunter but continues to fight as Chainsaw Man under the public eye, all the while being enrolled in Fourth East High School as a student. He is also the caretaker of Makima's reincarnation, Nayuta.
If his chainsaw cord is pulled while he has enough blood for the transformation, then his head will morph into a demonic, mechanical shape with long, jagged fangs and a chainsaw handle on the back. Large chainsaws will emerge from his forehead, arms and legs, he is able to retract and extend any of them at will. If Denji's chainsaw cord is pulled while he does not have enough blood, then a chainsaw blade will partially emerge from his face.
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