2023-11-14 21:42:13 UTCtotonino78
hi quick question, that sounddumb but can u open it on blender ?
Formidable Demon Knight.
Medival Demon Knight with animations.
Materials: 4
Number of Textures: 11
Texture Resolutions: 9 x 4096*4096, 2 x 512*512
The character is compatible with Ue4 skeleton BUT. The character is slightly higher than UE4 manequin, so the best way to do animation on Demon knight, is retarget.
Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton: Eye_R, Eye_L, Eye2_R, Eye2_L, shoulder_pad_r, shoulder_pad_l, Weapon
Rig: UE4 (Skeleton The character is equipped with a rig from UE4 and has an additional 7 joints, 2 elbow pads, 4 eyes, Weapon)
Animations 31
Idle 6
Attack combo 4
Turn 2
Turn with weapon 2
Walk 4
Walk with weapon 4
Run 4
Run with weapon 4
Death 1