Creatures MegaPack

Creatures MegaPack Low-poly 3D model

Verification details of the FBX file
Binary FBX
No unsupported objects
No N-gonsNo faceted geometryManifold geometry
Textures and Materials
PBR texturesNo embed texturesSquare texturesPower of 2 texture sizesAssigned materials
No UV overlapsUV unwrapped model
Allowed characters

Characters creatures for Most of the games.creatures can be inserted into an RPG,Shooter, Horror, fantasy.Location of creating a forest,swamps, caves, sewers and other dark places.

Creatures MegaPack conteins 20 character creatures

1.Character Creature Spider

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 9 animations

-Walk-Jump-Idle-Get Hit-Dead-Shout-Attack(1)-Attack(2)-Attack(3)

PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,129

Tris: 5,868

Verts: 2,936

2.Character Creature Slug

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 12 animations

-Jump down-Walk-Run-Jump-Idle-Idle other-Get Hit-Dead-Shout-Attack(1)-Attack(2)-Attack(3)

PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 5,081

Tris: 8,564

Verts: 4,632

3.Character Creature Shell

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,872

Tris: 7,182

Verts: 3,656

4.Character Creature Rock

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations

-Jump down-Walk-Run-Jump-Idle-Idle other-Get Hit-Dead-Shout-Attack(1)-Attack(2)-Attack(3)

PBR textures.

-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 4,308

Tris: 8,014

Verts: 4,122

5.Character Creature Mutant

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 11 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 2,390

Tris: 4,526

Verts: 2,265

6.Character Creature Hunter

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,365

Tris: 6,222

Verts: 3,162

7.Character Creature Horned

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,437

Tris: 6,559

Verts: 3,320

8.Character Creature Fat

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,174

Tris: 5,620

Verts: 2,861

9.Character Creature Exterminator

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 4,345

Tris: 7,286

Verts: 3,751

10.Character Creature Daemon

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,664

Tris: 6,762

Verts: 3,406


PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 1 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 1024-1024 size)

Polys: 354

Tris: 611

Verts: 340

11.Character Creature Pangolin

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 4,910

Tris: 9,082

Verts: 4,724

12.Character Creature Insect

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 8 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,108

Tris: 5,730

Verts: 2,946

13.Character Creature Troll

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,114

Tris: 5,790

Verts: 2,983

14.Character Creature Titan

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 11 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,626

Tris: 6,638

Verts: 3,335

15.Character Creature Nasty

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 8 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 4,997

Tris: 9,444

Verts: 4,814

6.Character Creature Creepy

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 9 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,351

Tris: 6,266

Verts: 3,233

17.Character Creature Alien

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,132

Tris: 5,838

Verts: 2,938

18.haracter Creature Bug

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations

-Walk-Run-Jump-Idle-Get Hit-Dead-Shout-Attack(1)-Attack(2)-Attack(3)

PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,332

Tris: 6,150

Verts: 3,089

19.Character Creature Devourer

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 3,546

Tris: 6,638

Verts: 3,339

20.Character Creature Ripper Dog

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 10 animations


PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 4,318

Tris: 7,978

Verts: 4,136

11.Poisonous claw

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 5 animations

-Idle-Idle_other-Attack-Get hit-Dead

PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 1024-1024 size)

Polys: 864

Tris: 1,328

Verts: 747

22.Model is a trap, you can hide in the water or grass

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 1 animations

-Idle-Attack-Get hit-Dead

PBR textures.

-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 1024-1024 size)

Polys: 4,934

Tris: 9,222

Verts: 4,800

hasanoztrk2023-10-14 16:06:26 UTC
Awesome work!
Alexander-Tkachenko2022-11-27 19:01:27 UTC
Hi! is it works in Unity with Humanoid animation type?
tran-ha-anh-thu-992022-07-15 15:04:02 UTC
kirilys672021-05-21 07:13:20 UTC
good pack
lhnm2020-12-10 15:34:22 UTC
Great work!
Item rating
10 0
Afterworldstudios2022-04-25 19:34:25 UTC
This is a nice pack of creatures I found for my game they will certainly help to bring the world to life!
happyhorns2020-01-05 03:22:14 UTC
Lots of stuff
yayfreemodels2018-09-14 18:44:40 UTC
Great pack, nice contact !
enquiries-32018-05-01 15:56:11 UTC
neilmoore-20002017-11-28 23:12:18 UTC
As the game I'm developing is a boardgame, not computer game, the models I've purchased are primarily for their 2D aesthetic. Therefore I can't comment on the models 3D functionality, only it's aesthetic which I rate very highly!
Creatures MegaPack
Royalty Free License 
Creatures MegaPack
Royalty Free License 
Response 87% in 0.8h
3D Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX 2014 (.fbx)372 MB
  • Other 372 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2016-12-31
  • Model ID#674089
  • Animated approved
  • Rigged approved
  • VR / AR / Low-poly approved
  • PBR approved
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 1
  • Vertices 1
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Overlapping
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing