Did you see that? Feels like someone or something is with us in this dark bedroom. Or maybe just your younger brother with a bed sheet over his head trying to get a good scare. Download this classic spooky bed sheet ghost for you Halloween scene. Edit the material to change how transparent the ghost appears in your scene. In the examples images I provided I placed the ghost in a haunted house scene. *****Haunted house and pumpkin not included in this download.
There is perhaps no Halloween costume more clichéd than the easy-peasy “bedsheet ghost,” the most primitive of which can be fashioned with nothing but white linens and scissors for eyeholes.We’ve seen it worn by characters like Charlie Brown, Michael Myers and Spongebob Squarepants (who was chagrined to be mistaken for a “haunted mattress,” prompting him to shave down his rectangular body’s corners.)But if pop culture has solidified our image of this DIY spectre as a go-to Trick-or-Treating getup, then it begs the question: how the heck did we decide that ghosts look like walking sheets? Given the major influx of Irish arrivals in wake of the mid-19th Century potato famine, it is no surprise that Halloween borrows heavily from Celtic paganism: including nods to spirits of ancestral dead, costumes, and a neighborly ritual that would eventually become Trick-or-Treating. Early Halloween costumes tended to be simple, spooky, and cheap--which naturally led to bedsheet ghosts.