Unique Photorealistic Transformer Model. Ready to use.
All many objects named.
Layer management.
Many, many, many labour hours.
No plugins required.
Low price.
(website streaming may cause animation to slow)
All maps included.
Hdr Reflection maps included were reduced 10 times in size because of licenses.
Transformation and inverse transformation.
Long walking and running sequence.
Flying sequence.
Instructions when opening file.
Default scanline renderer.
(Reflections and Sky light slow render)
(animation videos don´t show best render settings due to rendering time)
Ready to render.
Approved by VC Standards
Notes: When you open the file, choose adopt gamma and lut settings, if asked.
The FBX files should be placed inside the max folder containing all maps. You really need to download the native max zip file.
The FBX exported file has the same animation, but most of the animation controllers disappear (IKs are lost), and all the bone´s animation frames are keyed. You can, however, rotate the bones and objects. Also, the materials are not applied to objects, but you can apply them manually and the map will show up correctly because all the mapping coordinates are saved.
Some controllers seem to have been converted into objects, but I think you should not delete them because they may still control objects, so just make them invisible or non-renderable, or delete most of their polygons.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the site administrator.Thank you.