Beatrix Amerhauser , or affectionately called by her nickname Bea is a main character in Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead. She is a former college student from Germany that travels to Japan in hopes of eating the best sushi ever made.
Beatrix has thigh-length blond hair that is tied up in ponytail with shoulder-length hair strands split on either side, clear turqoise-blue eyes and large breasts.
She wears a white tank top and jeans with full hip armor attached to it. She also appears to be carrying a katana, a bow, and a pike. She also dons a samurai armor that provides her with fire and bite resistance.
Beatrix is a free-spirited young woman who becomes enthusiastic when any topic about Japan is being discussed. She's kind and friendly, and is goal-driven as she persisted to bring fresh fish in order to have sushi, even if it means fighting off zombies. She is also not embarrassed by bathing with men as she happily disrobed to join Akira and Kenichirou in a hot spring.
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