Behold the harmonious union of two iconic figures from ancient Greek mythology embodied in this 3D model statue. This creation portrays the revered goddesses Athena and Nike in a mesmerizing composition, capturing the essence of wisdom, victory, and divine strength.This 3D model beautifully portrays the synergy between these iconic deities, capturing their individual traits and the collective embodiment of wisdom and triumph
As an option, you can find Nike for free and purchase Athena for less, just browse in my models.
If the textures are not showing (pinkish color) remember you can upload them by:unzip the AthenaandNiketextures that will contain the folder that you need.Then just go to Blender > External Data > Find Missing files> and choose the folder you just unzipped.
Ps:I'm a saint seiya fan who is making these Greek models because I want them for a fan-project of my own, so you might see more Greek Mythology thing uploaded here, and some anime related content.