Asta 「アスタ Asuta」is an orphan raised under the care of a church in Hage after his mother abandons him on the church's doorstep. After turning 15 years old, Asta receives a five-leaf clover grimoire with an Anti Magic devil inside. He joins the Clover Kingdom's Black Bull squad of the Magic Knights and becomes a 1st Class Senior Magic Knight and temporarily a Royal Knight.Asta is a young man of short stature with an exceptionally muscular build. He has green eyes and messy, ash blond hair with bangs in front of his forehead and a single strand protruding upwards from the center of his head. He keeps his hair together with a black headband, which has the gold-colored Black Bull insignia and has a red-colored four-pointed star with three stitches on the back of it. He has numerous scars all over his body from his strenuous physical training, a large scar on his abdomen where one of Mars's Harpes pierced him, and another large scar running from his right shoulder to his left hip from Lucius Zogratis's nearly fatal attack.
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