very cool.
Hello everyone, I present to you my new character for your projects.This is a huge Arachnid and It will become a cool boss for your game.
Archive contains: Unitypackage,UE4 Project,3ds Max 2014 (CAT Rigg),Animations,Mesh,Textures.
PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)
Contains 19 animations:Emergence,Walk,Run,Walk Root,Run Root,Rotation 90 Left,Rotation 90 Left Back,Rotation 90 Rigiht,Rotation 90 Rigiht Back,Jump,Idle,Idle Other,Get Hit,Dead,Shout,Attack(1),Attack(2),Attack(3),Attack(4).
PBR textures.
-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(all 4096-4096 size)
Polys: 36,424
Tris: 69,968
Verts: 36,214