2021-10-16 16:06:21 UTCSculptoXs
I know this is gonna sound crazy but... hell yeah... she keeps on making me think about Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction. I have no idea why, the pose perhaps, who the hell knows. I don't but that's it. I get that vibe, 100%.
Speaking of the character/model itself... I love the idea of the correctional rig that keeps her legs bones together, like it's the only way for her to stand... was she born deformed? Was her race originally walking on four like quadrupeds and only later, with technology they started to need to stand on two legs? Lotta questions... which make this model even more interesting. If it was rigged {does the model come with an A or T pose?} and there was a male version of her they would have been an absolute "buy" indeed which I wouldn't miss.