Fully rigged and animated zombie monsters 3D models collection. Optimized for real-time engines and suitable for high quality renders.
18 texture variations! Giving you huge variety and style variations. 1024x1024 .jpg format per model. Triangles count: 2 LODs: 887 and 246
Formats included:
.blend (Blender3D) .dae (Autodesk) .dae (Collada) .dts (Torque engine) .fbx .max (3dsmax 7.0) .mb (Maya) .ms3d (Milkshape3D) .unitypackage .w3d (Adobe Director) .x (DirectX) .x (XNA)
50 cool animations! Animations list:
0000 - 0100 Idle1 0110 - 0240 Idle2 0250 - 0330 Idle3 0340 - 0390 walk 0400 - 0440 run 0450 - 0500 hit reaction1 0500 - 0550 hit reaction2 0550 - 0600 hit reaction3 0600 - 0650 Attack1 0650 - 0720 Attack2 0720 - 0780 death1 1000 - 1150 stand up 0800 - 0870 death2 0900 - 0980 death3 1160 - 1200 eat start 1200 - 1290 eat loop 1290 - 1350 eat end 1360 - 1400 walk backwards 1410 - 1430 run fast 1440 - 1490 crawling 1490 - 1550 crawl attack 1550 - 1600 crawl idle 1600 - 1650 crawl death 1660 - 1700 lunatic walk 1710 - 1738 pose defence 1740 - 1769 pose 0 2000 - 2100 Idle4 2110 - 2200 idle5 2220 - 2260 walk2 2270 - 2290 run2 2291 - 2350 attack3 2350 - 2410 attack4 2410 - 2465 death4 2530 - 2585 death5 2465 - 2530 stand up 2690 - 2720 hit reaction1 2720 - 2800 hit reaction2 2800 - 2850 defence1 2810 - 2835 defence1_loop 2850 - 2900 defence2 2585 - 2690 stand up2 2910 - 2970 walk3 2971 - 3045 attack5 3050 - 3110 jump 3110 - 3160 death6 3170 - 3280 enraged 1800 - 1870 arise-1 1890 - 1998 arise-2 3390 - 3640 arise-3 3650 - 3900 arise-4 3910 - 4000 arise-5